Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sanitaryware India Brands

Un générateur d'exercices en ligne !

An application that works either online or locally and generates exercises of math or geometry, and their corrected! It exists and it's called Pyromath ! The installation of the application locally involves the use of MikTeX (the application uses the language to generate LaTeX sheets in pdf form with beautifully written!). I personally prefer the online version. For now, the exercises cover the program generated the 6 th to the 3 rd (for Surveyor herbs then!). So be a test ! Once you have clicked on "create" your browser will suggest you to save a zip archive. The latter contains a form of exercise and a corrected form.

FYI Framasoft tells us that there are other such resources online: ChingAtome , bases Syracuse, Euler . Good reviews!


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