Monday, December 29, 2008

Arm Hurts And Headache


This blog is not normally the place where to take partisan positions. But I can not forget Do I have to AFPA. Since it appears that this training organization is currently undergoing internal reforms as well as external (sources here , here and there ) who do not, it's the least we can say, unanimously, I am forced to take sides. The funding, from the U.S. tat regions, risk, the latter being most in demand since the decentralization laws of Mr Raffarin, many suffer from this change. In Guadeloupe, early decentralized institution, the AFPA has closed. A priori, one accuses the AFPA a lack of profitability . Although the term seems to me inappropriate when it comes to education, I note that the equipment we had available was recent and similar to the one you can find in a professional situation. In addition there was a sufficient number (a transit for 2 or 3 people, an automatic level for 2 and a modern PC per person, with licenses Autocad 2008, Covadis and MS Office 2003). Other sections may be less intensive investment (I think, for example tertiary) and there are those who suffer most from competition. This means that the sections, the AFPA, could generate margins for balancing les comptes auront moins de rentrées. Cela fait donc craindre, à terme, une mise en péril des sections nécessitant des investissements plus importants. Ces sections, pour les mêmes raisons, ne trouveront sans doute pas leur équivalent dans l'enseignement privé. Il y a par conséquent un réel danger. Pour des raisons semblables, on passe rarement un scanner dans une clinique ...

Par ailleurs, un financement régional risque de priver certains candidats de formation du fait qu'il ne vivent pas dans la région où elle est dispensée. Ce pourrait être le cas pour les formations de technicien géomètre, présentes à Meaux (Seine et Marne) et Egletons (Corrèze) uniquement.

addition to fears for the institution itself, but also teaching professional who is in danger. It is damaging to all at a time when change, not only employment but also by trade, is no longer an exception but a vicissitude predictable life. No doubt the operation of the AFPA is improved, as is the case for any structure. Unfortunately, the arrangements could lead to more or less imminent, the closure of centers, which, among others, will exacerbate inequality of access to vocational education in the area. Many have been fortunate for decades to follow the courses of the AFPA, and I sincerely hope that this is the case much longer.

Let me pass on some links to petitions:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How Dose Ruellette Work In The Bookies

CV Mis à jour !

My CV has been updated and is available on this link or by clicking the image.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Good Affordable 35mm Cameras

Ça, c'est fait !

Some time without writing, mainly because of exams! The third EFA is acquired and last week, successfully passing the final drafts. So that's 23 technical surveyor more. Thank you to Mrs. Arvis-Vitry, MM Lab Legouy, Galliou, and Plet Marzanesko for their skills and availability, and all my comrades for the great atmosphere in which the training took place !

Regarding the period in business, it was held from September 15 to October 10 in Topo-Reunion, a firm based in topography Étang Salé Les Bains, Reunion. This firm is very young (there since July 2008), so it is still early stage of its activity. Nevertheless, I could go on different sites topographic survey, rub me the application to register , participate in surveys for home (with Tripod Measurix) and see a landscape scanner in operation.

I study of gold and any proposals already in France or abroad.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Women In Girdles, Women In Hosiery

La reprise !

The holidays are over for a week! Good break and resume always a bit difficult! After a week devoted to the law related to planning, another week devoted to survey interior and facade. Naturally, we must finish the files for certifying the final interview training. Printers and plotters running at full speed to escape plans, if not professional (it's still the goal!) The less credible and realistic!
The last week of August we will have a part on the right and lifted interior (including a drawing test). The results of the second part (road project and location) are not yet available. Job search
take a ride a little more active. The goal is to find missions abroad in order to form quickly a diverse background. No further qualification as the destinations!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Brie Bullet And Black Cat Murderer

En Vacances !

Finally a holiday! Resuming on August 18 for TSGT1 for the final straight. Reviewing files, preparing troisième EFA, Aller en stage (à partir du 15 septembre).
Pour l'instant, c'est croisière à la voile ; appareillage, demain matin !

Bonne vacances à toutes et à tous !

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pinkys First Timeon Adult Movie

Résultats du premier EFA.

Les résultats du premier EFA (Évaluation partielle) sont tombés. 23 d'entre nous sommes conformes . Je suis de ceux-là, malgré, je dois l'avouer, un accident en calcul topo (stress excessif au cours de l'épreuve, alors que mes notes précédente let hope for better!). This is however a great relief for the evaluation of our knowledge is that which, naturally excluding the final exam covers the largest number of subjects, with revisions adhoc.
For those who are considering this course, EFA included the following tests:
  • Land: Small polygonal with raised some points. The time limit was quite sufficient to properly and precisely the work.
  • Calculating topographic under COVAD. It was in fact the calculation of field survey.
  • Computer Aided Design. A test Autocad. For this test, if l'on est pas encore assez familier avec le logiciel, il est rentable de montrer qu'on maitrise un maximum de procédures (formatages, éditions des calques, etc.), même si on n'a pas le temps le complètement terminer le dessin.
  • Calcul topo. Il s'agit là de calculer des coordonnées de points définis par des lieux géométriques (intersections diverses notamment). L'entrainement est ici primordial tant il s'agit d'acquérir un regard .
  • Techno. Diverses questions relatives au traitement des erreurs, aux matériels utilisés, etc.
  • Nivellement direct. Il s'agissait ici du calcul d'un carnet de nivellement simple, avec des points levés.
  • Relief. On calculations from the contour lines.
  • comment. A recent test in which we were asked to explain in few lines the approach followed in the practical test. Why indeed, we discussed the problem of how we chose.

A teacher from another section (M Legouhy) now tells us the secrets of the road project. The AFPA is indeed always looking for a (e) replacing (e) a teacher (M Labb) is retired outstanding session. While not yet quite comfortable with that, we found the transition curves, coves and other parables applied to the road map. For now, we do not serve functions Covad, we work hand !

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Female Whipping Movies

Première évaluation.

A APMA, known also called partials of EFA (Final Evaluation of Aptitude, or something like that). So Wednesday and Thursday we have the floor on practical and theoretical issues concerning the teaching of the first module. Polygonal, raised dots, calculation topographic techno (with or without COVAD), grading, computer-aided design, representation of relief. So many topics, and of course, much opportunity (not!) Mistakes. Subject to regular work and revisions, tests were available to the greatest number. But stress-specific examination can sometimes confuse the issue ...

order to evacuate the remains of this intense pressure, saving a celebration was held Thursday evening. A good time to own this friendly kind of camaraderie that usually attributed to the memories of conscripts! In all cases, the remains of stress were promptly evacuated by repeated efforts! Because the APMA, it also (especially if one is internal) a human experience of sharing and honest friendship!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tel Lines Disconnection Letter

En Stage !

The AFPA training is ongoing. We are currently under review for that next week we have the parts. Indeed, we completed the first module (Technology, leveling, flatness, topography calculation, etc.).. In this connection, M Lab, who was one of our teachers went to the retirement earlier this week and it seems that the AFPA Meaux has still not found a replacement.

Currently, I am looking for an internship engineer surveyor in France or in French or English speaking countries. The course is to take place from 15 September to 10 October 2008. If you want to know more about my career, you can view (and download!) My CV in pdf format at this link: résumé. Feel free to contact me for more information!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Example Of Dental Hygiene Personal Statement

Topographie : Quelle Calculette sur le terrain ?

'm training its course and we made an initial calculation of traverse with Covadis last Friday! What changes from manual calculations using form and calculator (Excel is also a good alternative, although I prefer Open Office Calc for the clarity with which he introduced the tree in a complex formula!). However, it can be necessary in the field, promptly such a calculation (or other, for that matter!). So naturally arises the problem of choosing (unsolved to this day!) The calculator ideal, robust, compact (excluding graphics), who speaks gons / degrees (which excludes the Texas Instrument), easily programmable (the Casio Graph 25 + is not really a model of ergonomics as such) with enough memory (I think 30 KB must agree), possibly, native to manage lists or tables, and finally with the possibility of external backup programs. Oddly enough, this bird is not rare (at my knowledge) on the market, including the current choice.
After some research on the internet and reading forums, it seems that the bird in question looks very much like an HP 41. This calculator is no longer manufactured. However, available on the market opportunity, we must be attentive to the oxidation state of the contacts. This is not (at least most) a credible solution in my opinion. Unfortunately, HP no longer observed the quality standards of yesteryear, both at the keyboard than at the processor (the HP 50 emulates the Saturn processor, which is perhaps not optimal!) .
In my previous job, I used a Casio FX 4500 P (from a dozen years in fact), which unfortunately lacks 30 KB of memory (it has only a few KB!) and the possibility of an external backup. Familiar mode of programming, I appreciate in particular the failure to use a tree of sub-menu to achieve certain functions, as is now the case on new generations Casio (those I know in all cases ). It has indeed an extra row of keys and 2 function keys alternatives. Missing also
microcomputers programmable basic (type Casio P 850) which allowed for the price of a certain size certainly to do what we wanted!
HP has recently released the HP 35s. It does not allow external backup but as the manual is available in pdf format, you can get an idea of its programming. It seems that deceive the calculator to display plain text (type = CLOSE) which occupies space and complicates the listing (and understood by one third). Moreover, the wording of the programs is reduced to its simplest expression. It is for example not possible to name a program "polygon".
remains the option of a PDA with a calculation program guidebook. I do not know if such applications exist. The PDA has the disadvantage of having a seizure that usually delicate, there is no keyboard, and that of autonomy, incommensurate with that of a calculator.
For the moment, memory, programming and external storage (cards or PC connection), it is almost doomed to chart, so with big pockets!
If you have comments, please!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Uniform Design Table Tennis

Bonne Année 2008 !

Well, since the last post, I made an assessment of skills, I discovered an unexpected taste for the profession of surveyor. Incidentally, I am in the process of dismissal following the closure (relocation to China and Tunisia) of the company that employed me. I am currently training at the AFPA de Meaux with the firm intention to become a surveyor technician! I will return to the topic. Anyway, I'm still on the ball to the design of experiments, but it is no longer a priority.
Anyway, Happy New Year to all.