-cons the part of review requested by the APMA in 2007 on the math and geometry. MCQ type examination to verify that knowledge. If they make it possible to follow very well the training, all are not absolutely necessary though. However, I invite you to contact the AFPA for updated information.
It is vital cons of being or becoming familiar with the concept of triangles and trigonometry. This point is really important.
People sometimes worry that their training is not scientific or technical. So do not panic! Applicants come from all walks really, they are predominantly literary or more technical, and they are doing very well! The criterion for success is, in my view, provide a regular job. Indeed, if the concepts to be acquired are not overly complex, they are numerous! There are concepts that can not invent, we must learn!
training includes a significant amount of practical work. There are approximately two dozen in the eleven-month internship. It must be remembered that l'évaluation finale (qui conditionne l'obtention du diplôme !), se fait aussi sur la présentation d'une partie de ces travaux (les derniers généralement car ils sont les plus complexes, donc plus intéressant à présenter). Il est donc important de ne pas prendre de retard sur les TP ! Mêmes si la formation dure 11 mois, ça passe vite, aussi, prendre trop de retard, c'est prendre des risques.
A propos de l'informatique. Certains candidats à la formation arrivent en n'ayant pas de notion de l'utilisation d'un ordinateur (c'est de plus en plus rare). C'est clairement ajouter une difficulté. C'est une bonne idée, si on est dans ce cas, que de régler ce point before training. No need to become a kador Word or Excel, but know how to locate a file on the hard disk, ie save a document in one place, knowing how to use the internet is much point, when are acquired, will allow you to concentrate on the essentials.
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