Une page dans le Dauphiné !
Iskuhi With a colleague corresponding local press, who took charge of the text, we made the record representation Tender Age and head to Valencia Wood. Dauphine finally selected nine of the shots I took during the first part of the performance (which lasted nearly three hours!). Remarkably, this is probably the best concert I've ever seen lit. Indeed, with an aperture of 2.8, I did not often go beyond ISO 1250. As shots were completed at 17:00, he had the photos for the next day and I had an appointment to 18:00, we had to do fissa to be on time! I try not to carry a PC with me, but cons, I have a portable hard drive with some useful applications, XnView, to quickly view and select the raws and The Gimp with UFRaw out the jpeg. It allows them out on a pc lambda Editor!