Correspondant Local de Presse.
Being job search does not remain idle! It is both a social and psychological needs. With this in mind and having persuaded the local newspaper, the Dauphine Libere , I arrange, I So I certainly modest activity, but regular local news correspondent. Contrary to what I sometimes hear, is not to be freelancer. The latter, in fact, often has a press card (and the benefits that go with it!) And is considered (which it is elsewhere) as a "real" journalist. The status of press correspondent is more modest. Already, the pay is less (much less!) And, traditionally, the articles submitted every day are not signed in so far as they are reviewed and verified by real journalists of writing. This operation is not the journal for which I write, but who wants that status. What began as a personal challenge (if he can do, I do!) Has become an activity, if not lucrative, at least rewarding. Naturally, it is near the settings and characters more diverse, but that does not leave surprises me is that a subject may seem a priori quite daunting (typically, the general meeting of an association!) often becomes, through the magic of its protagonist, a fascinating subject for which the ticket becomes a little narrower set! Indeed, for several months that I make and articles and photographs, I have in the vast majority of cases dealt with people passionate about their business, whether political, artistic, or professional association! And of course, a passionate evoking his hobby quickly became excited! Maybe this a sign of a certain innocence, but the human relationship that develops during an interview, she was modest, is more likely to make me hope in humanity. Certainly, within the subjects I am called on to cover and how I'm supposed to treat them, factually. If you have the desire, you do not lose much to knocking on the door of the local daily ...