Friday, February 13, 2009

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Forum de Topographie.

Topography Forum, organized by the French Association of Surveying be held March 18, 2009 at the Lycée Dorian, 72 avenue Philippe Auguste 75011 Paris (see on a map) from 9:00 to 17:00. On the menu this year, pending the final program:

  • Technical survey: extension of 3D laser (Theory and use)

  • Regulation "surveyor" applicable in 2009 (georeferencing, precision ,...)

  • exhibition of hardware and software demonstrations with

I planned it out (thank you notes prem's!), history and keep me informed why not take some professional contacts ...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Des ouvrages pour réviser ...

Although it is unclear what will become the reality of the AFPA training is always a good idea to have on hand books Reference to recover in memory of math concepts necessary for the formation of engineer surveyor! I do not pretend to offer a comprehensive overview on the subject. Only those I had in my hands, and who have published interesting.

The first, and most recently I had on hand: Savoi r-fa i re e n maths . A book of polytechnic and university presses romandes. Very educational, it contains, arranged by themes, exercises, a review of theoretical concepts relating to these exercises, and finally, a corrected exercises. Equations, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and matrix algebra. The latter is not that often addressed in such work, and the presentation is very clear. Sufficient in all cases to correctly answer test input of the AFPA. Only the statistics and probabilities are not addressed.

The other book, Forms and Tables (tricorn editions) was part of my daily life for much of the time I spent in the laboratory, with Reynolds. More comprehensive as regards the various formulas, the explanations are more concise. Besides the math, it covers physics, chemistry and even astronomy. There was indeed not necessarily the Handbook (reference work in chemistry, extremely thorough, very heavy and really expensive!) On hand! Also, formulas, tables, allowed to have on hand the necessary data for the daily work. It is primarily this book helped a fellow engineer, who helped me in reviews (I had not yet seen the first one!).

I have no interest (including financial, shop at the top right citing only a few euros per year!) To advise these books, so I invite you to consult library and make your opinion. For info, Skills in Maths was seen at 25 € at the Fnac (in store) while around 15 € ... su Amazon